Get smart about the emotions triggered by each product in the market
Complement your information about product compoisition with insights on which benefits / emotions they trigger.
Pinpoint which products are triggering the sensory / hedonic / technical attributes you want to achive.
Compare to blind tests to understand the full mix impact.
Available in Fragrance and Cosmetic
Harness the power of real-time large scale market analysis
Tap into millions of consumer reviews on thousands of beauty products worldwide.
Understand which benefits / emotions are driving liking.
Measure the gap between product claims and shopper expectations.
Identify best opportunities for future launches.
Available for US, France, Germany, China and Brazil (other market on request)
Predict ingredient combinations that boost consumer perception
"Augmented formulation"
Unique algorithms capable of predicting combinations of ingredients explaining consumer perception.
Improves consumer test scores for combinations of sensory / hedonic / technical attributes.
Indicates most positive dosages for ingredients to include.
Can factor in ingredient cost and / or sustainability constraints.
Add blind test and / or lab test data for even better results